4 Ways To Get Ideas For Whatever You Are Doing

This is for the minority who wants to create something - a blog, book, a smartphone app or music or it could just be one article on something very detailed (this is really fun try this). Anything ART which you look forward to create. The first step is deciding you want to do it, the next is doing it. And a very important part of the latter is getting ideas.

The best part is we all have ideas maybe some of us have better ones than others but they are there. This is how you should go for it.

1. Alone

Recently saw an article titled "individualism is dead" like it was ever mainstream in the first place. They were kind of covering how nobody wants to do anything by themselves like go out alone, read, take a walk etc. But if you are going to be creating something then it can only be done alone.

Like I said we all have ideas if we really want to, the problem is they're buried under all this distraction and constant stimulation our brains are so used to now. You must stop them. And here alone means away from your phone, internet, people, music, porn. Cut out all distractions. Spend time alone and do the next thing in this list. Music may at times help in getting thinking started but it's important to stop and be just alone.

I find going to heights with cool breeze and a good view very helpful, like beautiful mountains you know but unless you are around there, the closest is your terrace! And this takes time and effort.

2. Hard Thinking

Most people 'think' that thinking is an automatic process which is something your brain is doing all the time on its own. Maybe for some people this is true but hardly for everyone. The above step will certainly help in getting some thinking going on but that has to be pushed forward with great effort to build up.

3. Logging

Most annoying part about getting ideas is when they do come you are either busy doing something else to start work on it or you are just not in the place where it just goes by. The worst part about this they just won't come back no matter how simple they seemed to you when they first appeared in your head. In my personal experience it's happened 100s of times something really interesting crosses my mind and I either think of it as "this sounds simple, I'll start on this soon" and later it's just not there, kinda like how it happens with dreams, you just don't remember them.

This is where logging comes in. Writing your ideas down would be nice, but time consuming and logistics come in. You can't take notes while commuting or while on your bed in the night. The solution is audio logs. We all have smartphones for a recording device and it's blazing faster compared to writing. You can just go on recording everything as it comes into your head and be done with it.

4. Engage With Ideas

Books, blogs, podcasts, movies, twitter, quora, news, people etc. Use all these resources, they are good fuel to keep your mind active and thinking but it does get tricky, you may end up in a shell where you feel you are just automatically copying ideas from other sources. You have to work that out.

In writing you can try asking yourself how you agree with a book or a blog post or a podcast and what parts you think can improve and write those into your blog posts. Bring up some on going issues with your friends to see what general ideas are in the market place and offer your views. These sometimes lead to intense debates and are super fun too.

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